We promote reading joy—creating fun ways for all students to access and engage with books, authors, and literacy.
Get in touch
Author Visits
give the grades a chance to interact with a published author with all students receiving a free signed book, while School-wide Author Events, such as 261 Comic Con, offer author experiences open to all families in the community.
School-wide Author Events,
such as 261 Comic Con, offer author experiences open to all families in the community.
Dollar Book Sales
provide an alternative to pricier fairs and a great way for the whole community to upcycle their gently-used books and find fun new reads.
is a parent-led campaign, started here at PS 261, that advocates to get school librarians and libraries—which are rapidly disappearing—into all NYC pubic schools. Learn more and join us!
Librarians = Literacy
Monthly Diverse Book Lists
round-up engaging titles featuring a range of cultures and celebrations occurring throughout the year.
Winter Break Read-A-Thon
encourages readers across the grades to cozy up with books over the break to help earn money for awesome 261 programming, plus a chance to win fun prizes for themselves and their classes.
Summer Reading Sheets
give students a fun take-home activity to spur reading on all summer long, with rewards for students who return their sheets in the fall.